Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sucky days...

after having less than four hours of sleep and then having to wake up and go to class from 8 in the morning until 4, i'm what they call drained. it was just a sucky weather day where clearly the atmosphere was torn between torrential rain, light drizzle, or partly sunny skies. it seemed like everytime i left a class to go to my next which always happened to be all the way across campus i was stuck in another one of the weather's horrible mood swings. (i know i sound really miserable but so what. lol)

i can't wait to escape this madness and go to hot and sunny jamaica next week for spring break. :)


icanseeclearlynow said...

i'm not feeling terribly sorry for you there chica. everyone in our neck of the woods is quite jealous to see you go.


Nikki said...

I am so with you!!! All I have done all winter is complain complain complain about the weather. About 9 months ago we moved from Arizona to Utah and it has been a HUGE adjustment. Much larger than I had anticipated. Even though it got super hot in AZ the sun was always out and it kept you happy!!! clouds and rain and snow are fun for about 1 day and that is IT!!! I am going to AZ for the month of March and I can't wait!!! You have fun in Jamaica!! YA MON!! And be safe!! :)N