Monday, February 25, 2008

My brain is at its limit....

writing my paper....ughhhhh. this sucks. the end product is always great but the process is always grueling when it is about stuff you could care less about. lol

me and the other roomies have had a discussion and after six months we have finally made some headway with regards to the cleanliness of this apartment. now all that's left is to talk with ms. chocolate (the one i actually share the room with) about the apartment hunting for next year. she has it in her mind that me, her, and her best friend are going to live together and that is not going down. eh-eh. no siree....ohhh how i dread these types of conversations. wish me luck! besos!


icanseeclearlynow said...

yes, mstoohollywood, writing is a difficult process. i read a quote recently that said, "hard writing makes for easy reading." paraphrasing from my memory, of course.

glad you and the roomies came to an agreeable resolution. good luck talking wiht miss chocolate.

besos back!


Nikki said...

Um can I ask what is besos??? is this another language?? or a code word?? and about's in your blood. THAT I know for sure!! Congrats on making the Deans' list. I mad the deans's list too when I was in college and then I was kicked out for a year. hehe. I did better later on after I grew up a little. :)N

MsToOHollyWooD said...

icanseeclearly, ur right it always pays off. yes with the roomies its been a struggle but the place is sprakling clean now and i couldn't be happier :)

nikki, lol. besos is spanish for kisses. it is one of the few spanish words that I know, which is sad cuz it's my father's first language. yes im a disgrace. lol. and thank u. im a nerd at heart but shhhhh don't tell anyone. and yes writing is TRULY in my blood, running through my veins keeping me alive. lol. i come from a phenomenal writer and i can only hope to be half as good. ;)