Friday, February 22, 2008

poppin the cherry

so my bloggin cherry has been popped which of course is an exciting moment in my life. i've spoken about creating a blog for so long now but i've finally have gotten around to to doin it. im just too hype that finally there is an outlet for my demented mind. lol.

i haven't done anything this morning. its snowing outside and it looks like too much work to actually bundle up and brave the cold weather. instead, i sit inside and roast because my wonderful roomates don't have the sense enough to put the heat below 80 degrees. if i have to wake up with one more nosebleed i swear im gonna litter all my bloody tissues all over their floor and see how they like that. anyhoo, back to my morning, i missed the democratic debate last night but i'm watching it now. but i've found myself tuning both Obama and Clinton out (because once you've seen one you've seen 'em all), and just focusing on their body language. if you've ever watched when Obama is speaking and the camera zooms in on Hillary, she has this sarcastic smirk on her face. its kinda disgusting and realy irritating. i don't like her. she's just angry. an angry, miserable woman. she needs therapy. or a kick down the stairs. that might be a humbling experience :)


icanseeclearlynow said...

hey girlie!! yaaayyyhh!! for getting your blog started. i am gonna be your biggest fan! i'm glad to be the one to christen your page.

LOL!! i bet hillary would love to have a physical fight with someone just to blow off some steam. maybe you can get it started with that humbling kick down some stairs. LOL!!

80 degrees?! ugh! i know you are suffering! just 2 and a half month honey. hang in their!

i LOVE your layout! nice pick as usual.
